Procedures followed before contracting for a housing unit

When you come to buy an apartment

  • Try to go to the apartment twice, once in the morning and once at night.
  • As long as you can during the inspection and leave the door open.
  • If the apartment has problems, the bird will report that it has opened.
  • A portion of the apartment’s value must remain if there is anything missing.
  • Do not take it in an apartment that does not have an electricity meter.
  • Everything related to the apartment, including the space on the floor, the private and shared walls, the meters, the use of utilities, the stairs, the roof, the elevators, the finishing of the facades and entrances, all of this must be written individually and in detail in the contract.
  • If there is a previous need related to the apartment that has not been completed, then there will be an irrevocable decision or discussion that an amount of the apartment’s value remains slightly greater than the value of the missing item (no withdrawal or surrender).
  • There is no seller who will introduce you after taking all his money.
  • A power of attorney to sell alone is not enough. A sales contract is required.
  • It is not necessary for witnesses to sign the contract at all, and if you plan, there will be people on your side to bear witness to the truth (you are the one who will kneel).
  • If you pay the price of the apartment, you must receive it on the same day you pay the money.

#The _ important _ remains:

  • Do not buy from an agent for the owner of the apartment with a general power of attorney unless you know them very well.
  • The owner of the apartment gives you a special power of attorney for the sale, even if he is traveling.
  • If the seller is over 65 years of age, witnesses must sign the contract.
  • If it is to be purchased from heirs, all the heirs must sign the contract, and if one of the heirs is a minor, the guardian must be the one who signs on his behalf, and a decision must be issued approving the prosecuting attorney’s office for the sale.
  • You must verify the seller’s title deed and the chain of ownership until the last buyer, as well as a contract for the land, whether customary or registered, and verify its validity.
  • A clause must remain in the contract stating that any building violations, debts, reconciliation, or consumption of services or facilities are borne by the seller until the date of writing the contract.
  • You must sign all pages of the contract.
  • The signature must be in front of you. There is no prior signature.
  • Do not leave any spaces in two copies of the contract, preferably in three copies.
  • Any handwritten amendment to the contract is prohibited.
  • It is better for the entire contract to be written on a computer.
  • Do not change the price and create a counter paper with the correct price. These are all myths that cause endless problems.
  • Payment must also be made in any bank, so you will have an account number, the name of the bank, and a receipt for depositing the amount (conclusive proof of the price paid).


  • Don’t spend on security receipts, write the installments in the contract (the value and the date of the installment)


  • The owner’s wife finds you very entitled… It is better to divorce her and have an empowerment decision with her.


  • You enter a neighbor and two people in the building, and ask them about the apartment. The important thing is to give them safety and make them understand that the conversation between you is a secret… so that they can be honest.
  • You write a contract guaranteeing the price, clauses guaranteeing your rights, and a penalty clause of at most half the price
  • A power of attorney in the real estate registration to sell to oneself or to others, to transfer to oneself or to others, and for all actions transferring ownership before all government agencies and departments and the Real Estate Registration Authority, and to sign initial and final sales contracts, and in all procedures for dealing with electricity, water, telephone, real estate taxes, and natural gas, contracting, raising, installing, and transferring these meters. Accompanying
  • Neither party has the right to cancel this power of attorney except in the presence of both parties, and this power of attorney is valid in the event of death.

#Very necessary:

  • Have a trustworthy lawyer with you, do not lose money and save the lawyer’s fees… The presence of a lawyer will protect you and prevent you from many calamities.
  • The role of the lawyer is important to ensure the accuracy of the ownership documents and the sequence of contracts and to ensure that the apartment does not have any problems.